Chair: Dalton Moore
Vice Chair: —-
Secretary: Heather Mackie
Minister: Rev. Meriel Simpson
Treasurer: Dianne Clare
UCW: Lynda Gilmour
Member-at-Large: Hollie Lowrie
Committees: * denotes “new”, CR denotes “Council Rep”, TG denotes “Task Groups”
Trustees: Don Palmer (Chair) CR, Jim Ball, Anne Ellis-Taylor, Ken Livingston, Wayne Markle, Jean Patton, Ernie Walker
Presbytery: Bruce Galbraith, John MacLennan
Congregational Life and Work: Dagmar Freeland (Chair) CR, Velma Dreimanis, John MacLennan, Wendy McCarthy
Subcommittee: Hospitality: Dorothy Walker TG, Dagmar Freeland TG; Communications: Webmasters: Heather Mackie, Marlene Talbot, Diana Wiens, Bulletin Board: Barbara Marchant, Advertising & E-Bulletin: Elsa Poitras, Observer: Lorraine Gilmour, Outside Sign: Lynda Gilmour
Task Groups: Church Roll: Marjorie Gilmour; Congregational Elders: Muriel Tonge, Chris Wright
Ministry and Personnel: Wally Eley (Chair) CR, Earle Goodwin, Hollie Lowry, Jean Patton, Ernie Walker
Outreach: Elsa Poitras (Chair) CR, Marlee Eley, Lynda Gilmour, Roslyn Griffiths, Norma Haill, Barbara Marchant, Beth Markle
Task Group: Guildwood Extendicare: Frank Hester
Property: Ernie Walker (Chair) CR
Subcommittee: Use of Facilities Committee: Judi Goodwin (Chair), Jim Ball, Earle Goodwin, Heather Mackie, Don Palmer
Task Group: Monday Morning Work Crew: Doug Freeland, Frank Hester, Moriah Linton, Ken Livingston, John MacLennan, Dave Marchant, Wayne Markle, Cliff Robinson
Stewardship: Jim Ball (Chair) CR, Melvyn Casinather, Dianne Clare (Treasurer), Judi Goodwin (UCW), Eglan Hinds, Hollie Lowry, Don Palmer (Trustees)
Task Group: Envelope Stewards: Margaret Gillespie, Robert Money
Worship and Faith Formation: Margaret Gillespie (Chair) CR, Conrad Ash, Sylvia Barker, Bruce Galbraith, Lorraine Gilmour, Helen Hitchcock, Celia McGuinness, Maureen Pitkethly, Tisha Robinson, Chris Wright
Task Groups: Ushers & Greeters: John Stratton; Audio Visual & Sound: Dave Marchant; World Day of Prayer: Phyllis Coulter, Jean Patton