
We see people as unique, loved creations of God and welcome all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage. We believe God intends loving relationships to be faithful, responsible, just, healing, and sustaining of the couple and those around them, and that such relationships require preparation and nurture.

The United Church celebrates the marriage of

  • same-sex couples
  • previously divorced people
  • couples of different religions
  • all people who believe in Jesus Christ and want to live faithful to his way

General Council—the governing council of The United Church of Canada—makes some decisions about marriage, and local United Church congregations make other decisions. This reflects the wisdom that some decisions are best made as a denomination and others are best made locally. Our denomination has followed this wisdom since our founding in 1925.

Marriages (in fact, all worship services) are performed with the permission of and under the responsibility of the local congregation’s church council. This means that while General Council welcomes same-sex marriage, it does not make same-sex marriage the norm in congregations. Congregations develop their own marriage policy and practices.

Wedding Information – Scarborough Bluffs

Use of facilities: For members and adherents, no donation; for non-members, $250.00. This does not include the hall for receptions.

Minister: At their discretion for members; $250.00 for non-members.

Organist: $150.00, members and non-members.

Wedding Hostess: $100.00, members and non-members. The Wedding Hostess’ fee is for a 4-hour time frame, including rehearsal and wedding time. The Wedding Hostess assists the bride and her bridal party during the rehearsal and ceremony. She will be at the church at your arrival and will assist you to any facilities needed and organize the party to proceed down the aisle. Extra charges incurred for picture time or receiving lines will be the responsibility of the bride/groom ($25.00 per hour or part thereof).

Caretaker: $25.00, members and non-members.

Projectionist/Sound: $25.00 each, members and non-members.

Contributions should be brought to the rehearsal in separate envelopes and left with the officiating minister.