Home Links


Scarborough Bluffs related links:
Scarborough Bluffs Music Program Website
SBUC’s WonderCafe Site
Google map of the area

United Church related links:
United Church of Canada
Toronto Conference (United Church of Canada)
United Church YouTube Channel
A Song of Faith (2006) – United Church statement of faith
The United Church Observer
Toronto Southeast Presbytery
Toronto United Church Council
Emerging Spirit

Other Interesting Links:
The Bible on One Page
Arts in Worship
The Painted Prayerbook – Jan Richardson
The Alban Institute – resources for congregations
Spirituality and Practice: Resources for Spiritual Journeys – a multi-faith website on ways to practice spirituality in everyday life
Spirituality & Health: The Soul/Body Connection – a website (and magazine) open to all points of view on spiritual questions, drawing on the world’s wisdom traditions as well as science, psychology, sociology and medicine
Bill’s Worship Blog – Bill Kervin teaches worship and liturgy at Emmanuel College
Explorefaith.org – Spiritual guidance for anyone seeking a path to God
Marcus Borg’s Website
Tapestry – CBC radio, with Mary Hynes
The Labyrinth
Labyrinth Community Network (Ontario)
Edmonton Labyrinth Society
Bach Children’s Chorus – The Bach Children’s Chorus rehearses at Scarborough Bluffs
The Power of Words – video

Music/video Links
Hallelujah Chorus – Opera Company of Philadelphia: Random Act of Culture
Playing for Change – Connecting the world through music — a global movement for peace and understanding
Dancing around the World – guaranteed to make you feel good!
Magnificent – a stunningly beautiful video of the natural world, and a song
We are the Boat – Monet with Peter, Paul and Mary (Somos el barco): world unity–we are all part of each other